Clarkson Counseling Downloads
If you decide to receive services through Clarkson Counseling, there is some paperwork that you will need to complete. One is the Client Data Form, Clarkson Counseling’s informed consent. Another is a teletherapy informed consent form for those clients receiving online treatment. Finally, there is a Federally mandated form for private-pay and out-of-network clients.
If your therapist hasn’t sent these documents to you already, please download, review,
sign, and return these forms to your therapist before your first scheduled session.
If you have any questions, please feel free to let your therapist know.
If you have general questions or comments regarding the information within this website, simply call our office at 636-256-0600, and a therapist will contact you as soon as possible. In addition, if you wish to talk to or have a question for a specific therapist, please call and leave a message in his or her voice mailbox, and the therapist will contact you ASAP. Thank you.